Christiaan Monden

christiaan monden

  01865 286182
  Nuffield College


Christiaan Monden

Director of Graduate Studies & Professor of Sociology and Demography


I work on sociological and demographic questions around family, health & mortality, and social inequality. In the most general sense, I am interested in how societies differ in who lives with whom, who gets how much of the good and bad things in life, and how (mis)fortune in life is related to family background.

My research agenda has evolved around several major projects. In FamSizeMatters, an ERC-funded project of which I was the PI, we study various questions about the link between family size and composition and (the reproduction of) social inequalities. Work is still ongoing on several papers from this project and on new spin-off projects.

Work in the Norface ERA-NET funded project, CritEvents - Critical Life Events and the Dynamics of Inequality - studies how the risk of and vulnerability to critical events - union dissolution and job loss - is socially patterned, how this has changed over time, and which social policies are relevant for these associations. In this project, our Oxford team (myself, Erzsébet Bukodi and Lewis Anderson) partnered with colleagues from Amsterdam, Cologne, Lausanne, Florence, and Stockholm.

A global view of family dynamics is central to my contributions to the Global Family Change project. This project was spearheaded from Penn with partners in Oxford, Barcelona (CED), Montreal (McGill), and Milan (Bocconi) and explores the complex ways in which families are changing across low and middle-income countries. Finally, with Gilles Pison (INED, Paris) and Jeroen Smits (Nijmegen), I share a long-standing interest in the development of twin fertility and its related high infant mortality rates.

Research Areas: social inequality, demography, population studies, family sociology, health and wellbeing, quantitative Methods.


I teach the following courses: Family Sociology (MSc & MPhil), Advanced Quantitative Methods (MSc & MPhil), Life Course Research (MPhil), and the PRS Seminar (DPhil). I also coordinate the DPhil Conference and the Professional Workshops for DPhil students. 

I have had the privilege to work with wonderful students and postdoctoral researchers over the years. Below is an overview of the students I have supervised and postdocs whom I had the pleasure to hire on my projects. I believe it is important to make time to mentor and advise students and early-career researchers, even when they are not working on my grants or projects. My door (and inbox) is always open for informal inquiries.

Current DPhil supervisees:

  • Morten Thomson (thesis submitted)
  • Antonino Polizzi (thesis submitted)
  • Henrik Schubert (thesis submitted)
  • Priya Devendran
  • Abdul Rad
  • Ruonan Ji
  • Martin Gädecke
  • Carla Grindel
  • Elena Neri

Former PhD (DPhil) students:

  • Jornt Mandemakers (Senior Researcher, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute)
  • Usha Kanagaratnam (Senior Research Officer, Oxford Poverty & Human Development Initiative / UNDP Malaysia)
  • András Vörös (Associate Professor, University of Birmingham)
  • Cecilia Potente (Assistant Professor, Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management)
  • Lewis Anderson (Postdoctoral researcher, University of Oxford)
  • Liliana Andriano (Lecturer in Social Demography & Global Health, University of Southampton)
  • Pepita Barlow (Senior Economist, Amazon)
  • Florianne Verkroost (Senior Data Scientist, Boston Consulting Group X)
  • Chris Jacobi (Director of the German Council of Experts on Protection against Sexual Abuse and Experiences of Violence)
  • Mariana de Araujo Cunha (Lecturer in Social Statistics, University of Manchester)
  • Carla Rowold (Postdoctoral researcher, Max-Planck-Institute for Demographic Research; thesis final nominee for Netspar Thesis Award 2024)
  • Jiaxin Shi (Postdoctoral researcher, University of Wisconsin-Madison; thesis awarded Otto Hahn Medal 2024 by the Max Planck Society)
  • Shoudeng Zhang (Postdoctoral researcher, Being University)
  • Alicia Garcia Sierra (Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Laussane; thesis awarded Dissertation of the Year 2023 by the European Consortium for Sociological Research)

Former Postdoctoral Researchers on my grants:

  • Seongsoo Choi (Associate Professor of Sociology, Yonsei University)
  • Liliana Andriano (tenured Lecturer in Social Demography & Global Health, University of Southampton)
  • Paula Sheppard (Lecturer in Anthropology, University of Oxford)
  • Patrick Präg (Associate Professor of Sociology, CREST/ENSAE)
  • Zachary van Winkle (Associate Professor of Sociology, Sciences Po)
  • Ryohei Mogi (Fellow/Assistant Professor, Pompeu Fabra University/University of Southern Denmark)
  • Lewis Anderson (Postdoctoral researcher, University of Oxford)
  • Deni Mazrekaj (tenured Assistant Professor of Sociology, Utrecht University)
  • Nicole Kapelle (tenured Assistant Professor, Trinity College Dublin)